Hillbilly Farms
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Feel free to contact us at Donnajlachey@hotmail.com


Welcome to Hillbilly Farms

We are at the Sugarplum Food and Gift MArt this Weekend.

Come and make Cake Pops and Cookies with us

we Are


please click the button below for current history on Hillbilly Farms

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Make Us Your Farm

We are a small scale year round CSA specializing in herbs, vegetables, eggs, poultry and pork products, however we do offer other options when requested.

We raise animals by contract. If you do not want an entire animal we pair you up with others who also want portions of the same animal.

In 2009 we started raising heirloom vegetables, herbs, and poultry. These are also be available by contract, through the CSA, 3, 6, and 12 month shares are available

Working shares are available.


Farm History

Hillbilly Farms was founded by the LaChey family when Jim retired from the US Army. We have continually worked toward a sustainable farm system, which can be quite challenging. We use permaculture techniques in our management system.


Products Offered

We currently offer 10 egg shares. Egg shares are currently available at a cost of $140.00 (1 dozen per week for 26 weeks).

Nutritionally balanced, 1 full vegetable share is designed to meet the needs suggested by Choose My Plate (Choosemyplate.gov) weekly in each category (Leafy greens, Beans/legumes, Starchy, Red/orange, miscellaneous). Vegetarian shares are also available which offer about 2.7 the typical volume and accommodate the needs for complimentary proteins in the diet. Food may be provided fresh, dried, or canned. See the listing for pricing. As we grow in a high tunnel greenhouse in the winter, shares are available year round. There are 15 shares available.

Our products can be purchased at the Mountain Naturals Community Market in Woodland Park. We are frequently active at events at the Colorado Springs Event Center on the Corner of Palmer Park and Academy.


Services Offered

We offered food preservation classes. $20.00 per hour. $100.00 per day plus travel to your location.

Animal raising, butchering and preservation classes offered.
